månadsarkiv: maj 2008

Nu accepterar iStockphoto även ljudfiler…

Den 14 maj meddelade iStockphoto att de kommer att börja sälja ljudklipp på sin sajt också. Man kan redan nu börja skicka in sina klipp men som jag har förstått det så kommer försäljningen inte att starta förrän i september. Du kan läsa deras pressmeddelande nedanför…

World’s Stock Imagery Sales Leader Will Offer Industry’s Easiest Way to Purchase all Types of Multimedia Under One Account

IStockphoto®, the company that revolutionized the stock photography market by offering images online for prices as low as $1, announced it will add royalty-free audio tracks to its collection of downloadable stock content in September 2008. In so doing, iStockphoto will become the first company to offer stock imagery, video footage, vector illustrations, Flash files and audio for purchase under one payment model, on one convenient site.

iStockphoto is currently looking for composers, performers, musicians and audio technicians to submit music, spoken word/voice, instrumental, ambient and sound-effect audio track submissions. The iStock user community of more than three million members will be able to purchase audio tracks for one to 25 credits each depending on complexity and can be used in Web site production or to complement video footage and presentations. Every time an audio track is downloaded, 20–40 percent of the revenue will go to the contributing sound artist.

This business model, known as micropayment, was created by iStockphoto in 2001. It not only fueled the tremendous growth of the company, but has also proven itself to be a great way to provide supplementary and sometimes full-time income for contributing artists. In 2007, the company paid more than $20 million in royalties to its contributors.

“Our customers are looking for something that helps them effectively communicate ideas in new and exciting ways,” said Bruce Livingstone, founder and CEO of iStock. “By adding audio to the mix, we are now able to offer customers a complete palette of multimedia tools from which they can work.”

Becoming an iStock Sound Artist:

Sound artist applicants can review a tutorial and take a brief quiz at http://www.istockphoto.com/audio_1.0_intro.php. The artists will then be asked to submit three 5–30 second audio tracks for review and approval. Once accepted as artists, contributors may submit tracks that range from five seconds to four minutes in length. All tracks will be individually reviewed for quality and legality before being approved for sale. If you are a member of a performing rights organization, (e.g., SOCAN, ASCAP, BMI etc.) anywhere in the world, you are not eligible to submit audio content to iStockphoto, as this precludes the content from being royalty-free. Those who are members of a performing rights organization are welcome to submit to our sister site, Pump Audio, at http://www.pumpaudio.com.

Sound artists can choose to be exclusive immediately and will earn 20–40 percent on the sale of each track depending on the number of downloads they have achieved. For more information on the process or music and sound categories, please visit: http://www.istockphoto.com/audio.php

Shutterstock meddelar löneökning!

I går meddelade Shutterstock att de som bidrar med bilder får en löneökning. Har man tjänat under $500 så får man fortfarande bara $0.25 per nedladdad bild men har man tjänat över $500 så får man $0.33 per nedladdad bild. Det är en ökning med 3 cent från tidigare. Dessutom får de som tjänat mellan $3000 och $10 000 nu $0.36 per nedladdad bild och de som tjänat över $10 000 får $0.38 per nedladdad bild. Förtjänsten för Extended Licence har ökat med $8 från $20 till $28 per EL försäljning. Det känns som en rejäl ökning!

Det är ju tråkigt att vi som tjänat mindre än $500 inte fick någon ökning men desto trevligare blir det ju när man väl kommer upp i $500. Själv måste jag tjäna knappt $200 till innan jag kommer upp till $500.